The Time of Your Life | When are You Happiest? Happiness tips on BBC Sheffield
BBC Sheffield, 4th March 2016
Frederika Roberts discusses the ‘Time of Your Life’ on BBC Sheffield on the Breakfast Show with Toby Foster
When is ‘The Time of Your Life’? In your 70’s, 60’s, 30’s?
Listen to the 4 minute interview and hear how gratitude, finding lots of opportunities for laughter, and learning at every opportunity can help you make now, today, the ‘time of your life’, the happiest you’ll be.
Ultimately, the time of your life is NOW. It’s whatever you want it to be. If you go about life in a way that’s actually going to help you generate your own happiness, then there’s no reason why every new stage of your life shouldn’t be the happiest. Happiness isn’t really so much about what circumstances you’re in or how old you are, but how you view your circumstances and how you deal with those.
Life is not all sunshine and laughter every single day. Things happen in life, but there are very simple things you can do. If you say ‘this year I’m going to be happy’, don’t just say ‘I’m going to be happy’. Just like with any goal – career goal or anything else in life – you have to take steps to make that happen.
Listen to the 4 minute interview and hear how gratitude, finding lots of opportunities for laughter, and learning at every opportunity can help you make now, today, the ‘time of your life’, the happiest you’ll be. Hear how Frederika has handled losing her voice six months ago – difficult for anyone, but especially tricky for someone who speaks for a living…