Adults spend a significant proportion of their waking hours at work, so we can’t just practice wellbeing behaviours outside of work. We need to embed them into the very fabric of our workplaces.
‘My Voice Matters’ – What happens when children have equal say in shaping their school
s someone who is really into wellbeing in education, I’ve been so frustrated by the challenges of trying to make a difference in a broken system. I’ve realised that trying to introduce new programmes and models for wellbeing can backfire: there is often a mismatch to the school’s unique culture and needs, teachers and school leaders get annoyed with yet another thing on their plate, and nothing really changes. And children’s voices are all but silenced in the process!
Happiness Anger Rage Wellbeing Education Children and more | BBC Sheffield Paulette Edwards
Frederika Roberts was interviewed by Paulette Edwards on BBC Radio Sheffield on 15th February 2019. They talked about happiness, wellbeing, emotions, anger, rage (and how these fit into happiness and wellbeing), meaning, purpose, political activism, children, children’s emotions and more.
Children’s Mental Health | Schools | Frederika Roberts on BBC Sheffield
Frederika Roberts (RWS co-founder) talks to Paul Walker (in for Toby Foster) about children’s mental health on BBC Sheffield. They discuss the ‘RWS | Resilience Wellbeing Success’ programme, the need for more funding for mental health provision in schools, and […]
Unhappy Teachers | Clive Bull | LBC
Clive Bull interviews Frederika Roberts on his LBC show and they discuss teacher depression – its causes and how Frederika works with teachers in schools to help them look after their mental health and wellbeing.