The one thing nobody tells you about New Year’s Resolutions
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions for 2015?
Did they include plenty of great goals and ambitions for your business, your health, your life in general?
How about happiness? How important is it for you to work on your happiness in 2015?
New Year’s Resolutions are a double-edged sword. They can enable us to focus on our goals and to write those down to help us achieve them. They can encourage us to share our goals with others, thus making us accountable. But they can also make us miserable as we all start the year with great intentions to achieve more, get healthier, lose weight, become fitter, make more time for our families etc.
I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions for that reason, but I am working on formulating some pretty big business goals and the one thing I will really need to work on to help me achieve those is my happiness; my emotional well-being. If I am not at my best, mentally, I stand no chance of achieving my goals. In order to succeed at whatever you set out to achieve, YOU need to work on your happiness, your emotional well-being, your resilience first.
One of the ways to do that is to make time to include ‘Little Happiness Ingredients’ in your life. Deliberately and for no other reason than that they are activities you enjoy.
Here is a little video of one of my ‘Little Happiness Ingredients’:
Happy New Year and may you be even more happy, healthy and successful in 2015 than you were in 2014!