Happiness Before Success | Interview on ‘Excellence Expected’ Podcast

The surprising results when you put happiness before success!

Mark Asquith interviews Frederika Roberts on the ‘Excellence Expected’ podcast

When most of us think of happiness, there are two words that often creep into our minds. ‘If’ and ‘when’. If I can achieve x% growth this year, I will be happy. When I reach x amount of clients, I will be happy. Amongst small business owners, happiness is always seen as a destination, somewhere that we will reach when certain goals have been reached, or certain conditions have been satisfied. But how many times have you thought like that and nothing has changed after you’ve reached your goal? There’s always something new to be achieved, so where does it end?

Well, it doesn’t. And that’s because we mix up happiness and achievement. Achievements are great because by setting ourselves goals, we strive to be better than we are now, but they are not the be all and end all of happiness. They certainly factor in how happy we are, but there is something more, something deeper to being truly happy.

Read more and LISTEN to full interview on the ‘Excellence Expected’ podcast page

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