There’s nothing funny about cancer | Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity

An impassioned plea for donations to help a fantastic cancer charity

In four languages (so no excuses!)

Dear friends

I’m sorry to keep pestering with posts about #FunnyBusiness Doncaster but I really need your help! I’m doing something truly terrifying: 5 mins of stand-up comedy in support of Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity!

Please donate however much or little you can, and please SHARE this post, but don’t just ‘share’, add a personal message to give your friends a reason to donate, too.

My commitment involves far more than ‘just’ standing up on the night: 2 hours of training per week for 5 weeks, plus countless home rehearsals, plus extensive fund-raising efforts to raise a MINIMUM of £1000! I have raised just over £600 so far and am hugely grateful to everyone who has donated already.  17% of the people Weston Park helps are in Doncaster‬. I live in Doncaster. Weston Park helps not only the patients and their families living with cancer, but also carries out invaluable research. By making a donation you can really make a difference.

And if you’re anywhere near Doncaster and can come along on the night, then please do. We need a huge audience to make the night a fantastic and fun event. If you are planning to come, please book your tickets now, don’t leave it to the last minute and risk them being sold out!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support! xxx

Cari amici

Ho bisogno del vostro aiuto! Il 6 novembre farò una cosa terrorizzante: 5 minuti di “stand-up comedy” (cabaret? commedia?) per beneficenza per Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity uno di solo 4 ospedali specializzati per il cancro in tutta Inghilterra.

Oltre alla serata di commedia, devo raccogliere £1000 come MINIMO in donazioni e finora sono arrivata solo a £622.

Tramite questo link, si può donare da dovunque nel mondo. Ogni piccola donazione è un grandissimo aiuto. Potete donare anche voi quanto potete, per favore, e condividere con i vostri amici?
Vi ringrazio di tutto cuore!

Meine lieben Freunde

Ich brauche Eure hilfe!  Am 5. November werde ich 5-Minuten-lang etwas wirklich grauenerregendes tun:  Mich auf einer Bühne vor 200+ Leuten als Komikerin/Humoristin aufzuführen.
Das ist alles für einen wohltätigen Zweck: Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity.  Das ist ener von nur vier Krebst-spezialisierten Krankenhäusern in England.

Und dazu muß ich deshalb auch MINDESTENS £1000 aufbringen (Ich hab bisher £622).

Bei diesem link kann man von egal wo in der Welt Geld spenden in jeder Währung. Bitte spendiert etwas – jede kleine Spende hilft!
Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe!

Mes chers amis

J’ai besoin de votre aide. Le 5 novembre, je vais faire quelque chose de terrifient! De la ‘stand-up comedy’ (monologue comique??) pour collecter des fonds pour Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity, un de seulement quatre hôpitaux specialisés pour le cancer en toute Angleterre.

Mais surtout, je dois collecter un MINIMUM de £1000 (je suis arrivée a seulement £600 jusq’ici).

Parmis ce link, vous pouvez donner de n’importe-ou au monde, en quelconque monnaie. Je vous prie de donner ce que vous pouvez et de partager avec vos amis. Je vous remercie de tout coeur!


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