Join me in Innsbruck! #ECPP2024

Join me in Innsbruck! #ECPP2024

The European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) will be in Innsbruck 10th-14th July 2024. Join me on 11th July at 8.30am to find out how Appreciative Inquiry is supporting whole school wellbeing in an English primary school.

Time: Playing with Perspectives

Time Perspective is a way for Psychologists to categorise how we function in the context of the past, present or future, where our preference is, and how that affects our behaviour.  Bear with me; this is exciting stuff that can […]

Acknowledging Pain | Overcoming Adversity

Acknowledging Pain | Overcoming Adversity

Happiness and Positive Psychology is not about being all ‘Happy-Clappy’ Positive psychology looks at what works in terms of boosting happiness & emotional well-being, backed by research findings I stumbled across this article (Staying Positive in Adversity) on the WebMD […]