Happiness Podcast | Laughter | Episode 8

Laughter: 30 seconds of uncontrollable laughter to get you started with your own laughter therapy Go on – laugh along with me (or at me, I don’t care which it is) – just laugh! Laughter is good for you and […]

Acknowledging Pain | Overcoming Adversity

Acknowledging Pain | Overcoming Adversity

Happiness and Positive Psychology is not about being all ‘Happy-Clappy’ Positive psychology looks at what works in terms of boosting happiness & emotional well-being, backed by research findings I stumbled across this article (Staying Positive in Adversity) on the WebMD […]

Talking about Happiness on Estuary TV

Talking about Happiness on Estuary TV

My Estuary TV interview What does a ‘Happiness Speaker’ do? Today, I appeared on Estuary TV as a guest on ‘That Friday Show‘, talking about my work as The Happiness Speaker and Author.  My lovely interviewers were Jack Surfleet and […]