Join me in Innsbruck! #ECPP2024

Join me in Innsbruck! #ECPP2024

The European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) will be in Innsbruck 10th-14th July 2024. Join me on 11th July at 8.30am to find out how Appreciative Inquiry is supporting whole school wellbeing in an English primary school.

Exploring the Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Playful and Uplifting afternoon at “Positive Psychology Summit: UK”

Exploring the Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Playful and Uplifting afternoon at “Positive Psychology Summit: UK”

At Positive Psychology Summit: UK 2024, I was honoured to be given a 2.5-hour Friday afternoon slot to give delegates a practical taster of what Appreciative Inquiry (the original AI!!!) is all about. Given that most AI Summits live and die on the basis of the preparation process with a small representative group of participants (the Definition phase), and that they tend to last at least a day (often 2-3 days), this was quite a challenge, but one I rose to with playfulness and curiosity.

‘My Voice Matters’ – What happens when children have equal say in shaping their school

‘My Voice Matters’ – What happens when children have equal say in shaping their school

s someone who is really into wellbeing in education, I’ve been so frustrated by the challenges of trying to make a difference in a broken system. I’ve realised that trying to introduce new programmes and models for wellbeing can backfire: there is often a mismatch to the school’s unique culture and needs, teachers and school leaders get annoyed with yet another thing on their plate, and nothing really changes. And children’s voices are all but silenced in the process!