There are many ways to boost your happiness This blog post is dedicated to one: Doing things you Enjoy (#LittleHappinessIngredients) It may seem really obvious, but sometimes we forget: Doing things you enjoy helps boost your happiness! Simple, really, […]
Recipe for Happiness | 500 word word cloud
Here is my 500-word word cloud for ‘Recipe for Happiness’ The 500 most used words in ‘Recipe for Happiness’ If you’d like to know more about happiness with some simple activities to help you work on your own happiness ingredients, get […]
Why Procter & Gamble get it so right | Thank you Mom
The new Procter & Gamble “Thank You Mom” advert is incredibly powerful Ignoring the US English spelling (Mom) and the fact that dads are left out of the equation, P&G’s ‘Thank you Mom’ campaign adverts are incredibly powerful. They get […]
The one thing nobody tells you about New Year’s Resolutions
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions for 2015? Did they include plenty of great goals and ambitions for your business, your health, your life in general? How about happiness? How important is it for you to work on your happiness […]
Hannah post-surgery follow-up | 3 months after heart surgery
Hannah’s heart surgery was 3 months and 1 day ago, on 12th August Today was a very good follow-up appointment! Hannah’s doing really well. The right ventricle of her heart, which had become enlarged due to the excessive back pressure […]