Hannah’s recovery from heart surgery | Day 17

Cautiously optimistic again After we’d watched ‘Scandal’ last night, Charlie and I chatted lots more, watched a bit more TV and did lots of giggling.  It felt like a schoolgirl sleepover!  Even after we’d turned off the lights and I […]

Hannah’s recovery from heart surgery | Day 15

Day 15 after heart surgery… …and still a few challenges to overcome A restless night Hannah and I had quite an uncomfortable, restless night.  From about 1am onwards, Hannah was tossing and turning, struggling to sleep and complaining of stomach […]

Hannah’s Heart Surgery | The day before

Today was the day before S-day… The day before Hannah’s surgery…and it’s been a great day! 5.45am, Alarm goes off For just a split second as the alarm went off, I thought it was just a normal morning and just […]