Ian Picken, Director at Engaging Education and Events

We were delighted to have Frederika speak at the International Positive Education Network’s Ultimate Wellbeing in Education Conference in October. The talk was well attended, I received only excellent feedback and saw Fred’s name repeatedly in our delegates’ lists of favourite […]

Jane Jennison, Autonomous Ideas

We engaged Frederika to speak at the first Positive Psychology Summit UK in April 2019. She was very professional, spoke clearly about the subject with passion and humour, and was very knowledgeable. She had clearly spent time on her preparation […]

Julian Dutnall, CEO LIFE Education Trust

Frederika was an outstanding key note speaker for our LIFE Leadership conference. The main focus for our event was mental health and wellbeing, for teachers and students, and Frederika provided a very motivational speech, providing some of our delegates with […]