Chantal Cornelius

Frederika is one of the best online speakers I have had the pleasure of seeing recently. Aside from getting the technology almost perfect, she comes across on screen with warmth, passion and energy. Through her questioning and encouraging participation, Frederika […]

William Buist

I had the absolute pleasure of hearing Frederika deliver a superb talk online.  Her use of technology was both professional and complementary to her message, and her energy and enthusiasm was infectious.  As a result, as an audience member, I […]

Bob Ferguson

What a wonderful high-energy presentation from Frederika, explaining the results that positive psychology can produce for individuals. Until I heard this, I hadn’t realised that the subject was so comprehensively supported by research, but the deep content presented was indeed […]

Lesley O’Brien

This week I heard Frederika speak for the first time at a zoom meeting during COVID-19 lockdown. WOW, she is an inspiration. Not only is Frederika a powerful motivational speaker and a visible source of positive energy, but she shares […]

Ian Picken, Director at Engaging Education and Events

We were delighted to have Frederika speak at the International Positive Education Network’s Ultimate Wellbeing in Education Conference in October. The talk was well attended, I received only excellent feedback and saw Fred’s name repeatedly in our delegates’ lists of favourite […]