‘My Voice Matters’ – What happens when children have equal say in shaping their school

‘My Voice Matters’ – What happens when children have equal say in shaping their school

s someone who is really into wellbeing in education, I’ve been so frustrated by the challenges of trying to make a difference in a broken system. I’ve realised that trying to introduce new programmes and models for wellbeing can backfire: there is often a mismatch to the school’s unique culture and needs, teachers and school leaders get annoyed with yet another thing on their plate, and nothing really changes. And children’s voices are all but silenced in the process!

International Day of Happiness 2023

Every year, on 20th March, it is the UN-designated International Day of Happiness. This year, the theme is Mindful – Grateful – Kind. As “The Happiness Speaker”, International Day of Happiness is, of course, very close to my heart! And […]

Yorkshire Social Entrepreneur Recognised for Success

Yorkshire Social Entrepreneur Recognised for Success

Yorkshire female entrepreneur recognised for making a powerful contribution to society, the economy and communities 11th JANUARY 2021: Entrepreneur based in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, has been named as one of the UK’s 100 most inspirational female entrepreneurs by Small Business […]